Storyboard Template

Box 1 The first box is of the entire track where we are recording our video. It is a wideshot of the entire place that will not be up for that long but for a few seconds to give the audience a nice view of the scenery. Box 2 The next box is going to be about our main actor which is myself David Brown stretching. We will be getting multiple close shots doing multiple stretches and it will never stay on the same screen. Box 3 This box will be about me getting the protein bar then eating it victoriously. I will be saying a short statement around this time which is “I’m ready”. Box 4 I then approach a table to put the protein bar down. After this is when I will begin to get the most active and so this part will give some what of a expositional feeling. Box 5 I then begin running, there will be multiple cut scenes of me running but all within the time span. Box 6 The last scene will be a overall wide shot of me running in the track and the Gatorade symbol will pop on the screen i...