
Showing posts from October, 2021

Creative Critical Reflection

  Creative Critical R eflection 1.  How does your product  use or challenge conventions AND  how does it represent social groups or issues?  My product uses conventions by starting off with simple exercising clips to keep the watcher attentions, than shows the actor consuming the product. The product doesn't necessarily represent social issues but it does represent people who believe that eating after exercise is a good things.                 2. How does your p roduct engage with audiences AND  how would it be distributed as a real media text?    My product engages with audiences by consecutively going through clips of the actor exercising, and do training to keep the audiences eye. At the end of the clip, the product of the video gets introduced t show what the project was initially about. If this commercial were to e aired somewhere, it would be aired in between a football game or some type of sport. ...


 This commercial was an interesting experience for multiple reasons. I really enjoyed it for the most part because it gave me the ability to show off my my talent which is running. It was nice to incorporate something I’m good at into something that I’m trying out for the first time. I worked with aljeanae on this commercial and it featured an energy bar. At first I was really skeptical about using this as our main product, but luckily it worked out well in the end. I also wanted to say, this commercial have me room to learn a thing or two about editing software. I got to explore and move around the different programming and figure out which is best for me. My partner had experience in this type of thing so I had the opportunity to also learn a thing or two from her. Overall the project was a success and i couldn’t be happier. Next time I hope to have a way better outcome and maybe be able to a project like this one on my own.

The Struggle of Editing

 Todays editing could be described as a hard fought victory. Today was the day I had a lot of work to get done that I ended up finishing in due time. It took lots of stress, and endurance but the video is done. Thank the lord that the video is done. It wasn't everything I hoped it would be but I definitely will settle for less. The only reason I will do this is because this is my first time doing this. My skills and knowledge will only improve from here. The way this commercial ends will not be the same as the others to come. I have faith that I will be able to do better from here on out due to my determination. Especially because this is something that I actually enjoy to do. This was something that I viewed as a fun project. The editing was still the less favorable part within the whole entire project. By far the editing was the hardest part of the entire assignment. The only reason I think that it is the hardest is because it has the most factors that go into it. It was the most...

The use of CapCut

 My first day editing was not as good as I thought it was going to be, but again what can you expect when your new to something. Today was spent mostly feeling out the act. I found an editing application. I also found music being used inside the commercial and added the clips taken as well. I got a lot of work done but I still feel as if I could have gotten more done. It was actually kind of fun now that I look back on it. Being able to tamper with something I am not familiar with can be described as a different vibe. It seems like something that I can definitely pursue in the future. Nonetheless editing today was productive on my part. I did everything I could to the best of my ability. This does not mean I am close to being finished because there is a lot of more work to do, or ground to cover. But I do feel like today was an accomplishment for me. My teammate today was productive as well. We decided to use the same method discussed before and consulted in one another on the deci...

Back at the Track

 AMAZING. As expected this day was way better. Everything was improved. Our communication got better along with our effectiveness and work ethic. We did get a slow start, as in to begin the recordings. This was because we were discussing the materials we were going to use within the video. Nonetheless the entire experience was a large improvement. It was even more fun, which is hard to believe because usually when one person starts taking something more seriously they begin to enjoy it less, but it was the complete opposite in this case. I already liked my role as main actor because my job involved doing something I love which is running. Now at the same time I began to run for a subject I actually enjoy and with someone I grew fond of. The second day of recording was extravagant.  I say that because of how well my group worked together. Every single shot was conversed. There wasn’t a single move that was made, that wasn’t approved by both me and my partner which is something ...

First day on the Track

 The first day filming for the commercial was not very good for me and my team. My role was main actor. I didn’t have much to do with the shots being taken but I was the face for the recording so I did do most of the stunt work. Disregarding that fact today was very chaotic and I couldn’t properly communicate with my partner. The shots taken were not what I expected them to be at all. I originally thought the shots were going to give a cinematic feeling, but instead the shots taken were wide shots. Wide shots definitely do not give a cinematic feeling. Even though today was a bust I had a conversation with my partner and she agreed. She said the shots taken were bad and that it was her fault. She took responsibility because that is her role within filming, she records the shots and direct what I should be doin as well. I love the fact that she took responsibility and that we could responsibly talk to one another.  Our conversation help us analyze the shots that we had already...