The use of CapCut

 My first day editing was not as good as I thought it was going to be, but again what can you expect when your new to something. Today was spent mostly feeling out the act. I found an editing application. I also found music being used inside the commercial and added the clips taken as well. I got a lot of work done but I still feel as if I could have gotten more done. It was actually kind of fun now that I look back on it. Being able to tamper with something I am not familiar with can be described as a different vibe. It seems like something that I can definitely pursue in the future. Nonetheless editing today was productive on my part. I did everything I could to the best of my ability. This does not mean I am close to being finished because there is a lot of more work to do, or ground to cover. But I do feel like today was an accomplishment for me.

My teammate today was productive as well. We decided to use the same method discussed before and consulted in one another on the decisions made. We worked as a great team today and once again wanted to say that it was productive. I expected more from today even though we did good only because of my high expectations, but it will be accepted for now. I hope that the commercial turns out good. 


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