Throughout the duration of this film, my goal was to touch on a topic that branches out in so many different topics. Whether it be depression, neglect, miss treatment, character development, ignorance. All things that many people do struggle with. Being able to represent these different issues through a directors standpoint, or even an editors standpoint was definitely a struggle, but it was worthwhile. I feel my group members, and I worked really hard throughout this entire process to make sure that these different things represented, even through the music used in the film and the actors. But most of all the time and energy put into making this film come to life.
The film itself played a very big role on representing social issues. Especially social groups.
The film addresses things like poverty. Being in a lower social can be a real struggle sometimes. It is not something that should be played with I honestly think it needed more insight which is why I thought this video would be so nice. The film addresses these issues through the main character and provides first hand insight on how stressful thing can be. Not only that, the film can even go as far to touch people that are in a lower social class. It can show them that they are not the only one going through whatever they are going through and might give them security. Our filming represented this through our use of Camera angles, Editing and even things like our Setting. They all played a part to go ahead and present the watcher with the feeling of insight that we were trying to produce. The one that people could relate to, the one that provides understanding, and the one that looks amazing in a film.
Not only that, branding was another way to give the watchers insight. Branding whether it be creating Instagram accounts or YouTube, creating websites and different social medias this tells the watchers things about the film and the team that made it. For our branding process we made a Facebook, Instagram. Postcard, and a Website. On the website we provided things like clips and previews for the film to get the hype started and viewers for the first production release date. The clips consisted of things that presented the social issues discussed that we wanted to address. This would attract the viewers to what we believe to be an amazing film. Not only that the website shows information about the production crew. Everything that did something within the film making process. This helps the viewers understand us as people and would mostly likely have a better chance on watching our film because of that as well. Even though we there is still so much to do in terms of branding because branding is such a wide topic that includes way more than I named. I’m proud of what we did and plan on taking it farther.
The products that was used for branding was a very influential part of audiences perspective.
My group had multiple products that were able engage with the our audience, whether it be through the website, or social medias and even the short film itself. Each of these products not only engaging with the audience but engaging with the audience differently. Our website for one was extremely informative. Viewers were able to check our website for new updates and features on our film, and they were able to know who the people behind the scenes were. Our social media websites were just mini versions, of the website. Our postcard was also a little cute part of the products used to advertise the film and it worked out great. The most engaging part was the film itself. It interacted with the short film through emotion, character, and much more. Through the angles, the music and even the storyline. My group did an excellent job when engaging with audiences.
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