Genre Research- Drama



  • Dramas are usually associated with extremely close up shots, bird eye views, medium shots, over the shoulder shots and close ups. 


  • For drama's things like setting, props, and costumes may vary but in regards to things like acting and make-up they are usually the same. Through most of the movies viewed, drama's are usually associated with serious acting, not a lot of joking around.
  • The makeup like most films that aren’t superhero movies, are natural. Same for costumes, the just depend on the characters 
The editing always has some kind of foreshadowing. They try to let the characters know that something is going to happen through the way they edit the sequence is very fore-shadowy.

The sound happens to vary, but it’s normally a very still-sounding no word track playing. Like horror movies, not a lot of descriptions

Examples of dramas would be Little Women, The fallout, and After

Things I love about the opening sequences are the usage of closeup’s, and over the shoulder shots. Definitely would use that

Things I don’t like would be the lack of words in the tracks they play. 


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