Our Pitch

 Pitch 1

Imagine a struggling young boy who has nobody to believe in him who's only chance at college is track.

We believed that this was a good idea because of our previous knowledge. We have past experience dealing with athletics and actors that perform sports so much we thought that this wouldn't be a big hard role too follow. Not only that we both share interest in track and field which only pushed us even farther to go with this idea. The last reason as to why we suggested this as a possible pitch is because of our resources. We have access to track runners who can be potential actors, a track, and a coach all willing to be apart of our production.

Pitch 2

Imagine a young girl who was raised in a toxic household, took to drugs to escape the life she was born into.

At first we thought the pitch about the drugs was a good way too really capture the way a toxic household is. We loved the concept of a young girl turning to drugs as a way out or an “escape”. But then we thought, do we have the proper amount of actors, the proper equipment? It was a beautiful idea but would we have been able to see it through. Where would we find fake drugs, or someone who’d be willing to pretend to consume drugs. The idea was extraordinary and we believed it could’ve really been an eye opener to a large audience but there was to many contradicting factors that made that pitch difficult to see through.

In the end we decided to go with the first pitch idea.

Imagine a struggling young boy who has nobody to believe in him who's only chance at college is track.

That is the pitch we are using


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