Everything Was Messed Up

Everything is completely gone. When editing the clips the I lost every last one of them on accident. When trying to save the document I ended up losing the entire video. Not only that, I was put in an even worse predicament because after I put the clips into the editing program I deleted them for space needed for other clips. This resulted in me having to completely refilm the entirety of the film, but this time a little different. The second time I filmed the clips my main actor wasn't available. As a result I was forced to use my backup plan. The backup plan was to use myself as the main actor, and this was very difficult in some ways. It was kind of hard in a way because I, myself am not a very good actor. Compared to the original acting that I had in the other film the one now is way worse unfortunately.

Regardless we were able to get it done. A upside to filming today was that it wasn’t hard at all. Since we went through the process already it was way easier to film this time around. Not only that, Rashell and I have previous experience with me being the main actor which also made it easier. It was a long and tough process. I am thankful that we are done and would actually like to do it again. 


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