
Today I decided to work on the website again today. I haven’t started the editing process yet. Me being the teams personal software designer, puts editing under my umbrella of work. I haven’t chosen to start editing since all the clips aren’t in the proper place yet. We aren’t completely done with the filming process but we will be soon. My director is amazing, Rashell really knows what she is doing and I am so proud that she has the position. Technically I would be able to start editing now. In my opinion though I believe that makes the process longer and harder when I receive all the clips and that is exactly what we don’t want to do. So I am just going to wait for my team to get the perfect shots they need and start. Instead of doing that I made my decision on my template. I decided to go with the sophisticated template I was telling you about. Today I decided that it was the best choice because it was everything that we were looking for. I realized today that with the proper w...